Sunday, March 31, 2013


Through this course I have thought more and more about the work I do on a daily basis and the ways in which I can improve, not only my professional development, but my entire school as well. I think this course has allowed me to look at ways that I can really make a difference through meaningful reflection and action. I have begun to really develop a sense of self awareness with regard to my future as a teacher and possibly an administrator as well.

It was very interesting to read about the process in which one realizes a “wondering” and then is able to follow through with a plan of action through relevant research. I liked knowing that something of concern could prove to be areas that I could work on to improve my school and myself.

The videos we were to watch in week three were really insightful because it was REAL. It was nice to hear about the different aspects of running an academic atmosphere and really striving for student success. I think the interview with the superintendent as he spoke about working FOR THE KIDS and not losing sight of what we do and why we work so hard was really important to hear. It made me really think about my professional attitude towards my daily procedures and routines. I think I have a lot of work to do to really make sure I do everything I can for the students I lead.

I also enjoyed looking through the text with regard to sharing the findings. I cannot tell you how important it is to relay important information to those who can really use it to ensure that they improve the likelihood for student success. Raising the bar within a school is done through collaboration and solid communication. I think learning something through meaningful research can really do well within the academic world. Keeping information to oneself is the old, traditional way of thinking. Sharing through collaboration either through PLC or faculty meetings are the key to growth. I think the techniques suggested by the book allow for communication in a way that presents information in a non-threatening sort of way.
Overall this course has allowed me to see that each day is an opportunity to grow. I can work towards improving each day through action research and thoughtful wonderings. It will be a long road to administrative duties but I think the path could lead to major growth both professionally AND personally. It has taught me to be present in each moment and allow for thoughtful reflection. That is a great skill to tap into. The ability to REALLY grow towards goals and not just go through the motions is priceless.

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