Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Preparing to Research

In preparing for my research project I have found myself looking to my principal for assistance. When I began the meeting with my principal we discussed the areas of research that he has personally been conducting to meet the needs of our school. He said that his current concern is the use and effectiveness of homework within the school. He established our current committee in response to student needs and teacher concerns that have had him looking deeper into the issue. This inspired me to make my action research meaningful because I have been wondering about the effectiveness of our current program, Aware, in the use of testing data and common assessments. I am also concerned that the data is not being used effectively to better meet the needs of our students. In discussing these matters we both agreed that this line of research would best suit my professional concerns. I will be using my own experiences and incorporating my personal wonderings to further the research in a meaningful way. I will also observe another subject area’s PLC time to gain perspective and learn more about the alternative ways of data use and collaboration. I think it is essential to keep in mind this research project should allow for my own personal growth AND lead to increased student performance. It's all about the kids and I really need to keep that in mind throughout this learning process!


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an interesting plan. I am not in an academic classroom, I teach P.E, but I don't think our students have homework except for completing their Math Log (1 math problem), Reading Log (read for at least 20 Minutes nightly), and some grade levels have a Rocket Math sheet. Looking forward to following your research. Good Luck!
