Sunday, March 24, 2013


Aside from leaving a textbook on a plane, working 2 jobs, coaching tennis and trying to get all of my work done...this week was great! I think I have a good grip on the project and will have my first "researched" PLC tomorrow. I think I have a good idea of what the focus will be and how to go about getting the results in a more effective manner. I love the idea that the research project could help my school and my students!

So far the challenges have been in actually MEASURING the student success. That is something I would like to measure with data but the fact that each test is different and each teacher has a different level of student, it will be nearly impossible to MEASURE the growth. When I met with my principal to address the concerns I was having he simply said to look at the growth over time. He said, knowing the kids level of ability and past performances, will help when looking for improvements over time.

I am having to really dig deep to ask my peers for help. It's intimidating to have to ask my fellow teachers to do interviews and allow for me to observe their meetings. I sometimes feel uncomfortable, not because of anything they do, but because I don't ever want to waste their time. I have already emailed a few colleagues and they have been wonderfully accomodating and friendly with regard to my requests. I'm lucky in that respect!

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